night I had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow. When I woke up, my
pillow was gone!”
so today, of all the topics that I could go on about, I’m going to dissect the
logic of this old, lame, and corny joke.
off, if you could indeed finish off an entire pillow as you slept, you surely
wouldn’t be able to do it in one bite. Agreed? Good.
So now we have established that you are ripping this
sucker apart like the Tazmanian Devil with a roast turkey. I would venture to
say that not long after beginning this novel meal, you would be working on the inside
of this once marshmallow-like pillow. At this point you should be dreaming that
you’re at the carnival eating a giant bag of cotton candy or going down on
Daisy Duck (me-ow, err, I mean ka-wack!),
depending on what your pillow is filled with.
I know what you’re thinking. “But what about those new fangled memory foam
pillows, they seem marshmallowy and they would stay in one piece as you ate
which I respond: Who the fuck says “fangled” anymore? My spell check doesn’t even
recognize that as a word. I would be shocked and amazed if anyone old enough
to use that word could even find the power button on a computer let alone get
on the internet without calling their 6 year old great grandchildren for help. Oh,
and they weren’t invented (or at least not in wide usage, but I don’t feel like
looking it up.) when the joke was written, so bite me.
let’s look at the line “When I woke up, my pillow was gone!”
That would be the first thing you noticed when you woke up? That your pillow
was gone?
bedroom would look like somebody beat, raped, and strangled a goose. But the
first thing out of your mouth would be, “Hey, where’s my pillow?” Is that
normal for you? Do you live on a poultry farm or something? Okay, maybe you do. I’m sure somebody does,
so why not. But why are the feathers in your bedroom? You know what, never mind, I don’t even want to know. I’ll
just give you that point, okay?
Lastly, I’m sure that after you ate this pillow, you
would probably be in need of some sort of medical attention. Stomach pump,
perhaps. Maybe even a full-blown operation to remove the offending material. Or at the very least just be feeling sick as
would find it pretty incredible that you would be out and about to be making
jokes about it so soon after eating your pillow “Last night”. Maybe if you said last month, or even last week, I
could at least entertain the notion, but I’m just going to have to call
bullshit on that one.